Source code for constrainingorder.sets

#Constraining Order - a simple constraint satisfaction library
#Copyright (c) 2015 Johannes Reinhardt <>
#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
#in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
#to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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This module defines datastructures to represent discrete and real sets in one
and more dimensions
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from builtins import zip, next, str, object
from itertools import tee,product

def pairwise(iterable):
    "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
    a, b = tee(iterable)
    next(b, None)
    return zip(a, b)

[docs]class Interval(object): """ An interval on the real axis. """
[docs] def __init__(self,bounds,included): """ Create a new Interval with bounds. If the right bound is larger than the left bound, the interval is assumed to be empty. :param sequence bounds: left and right bounds :param sequence included: bools indicating whether the bounds are included in the interval. """ self.bounds = tuple(bounds) self.included = tuple(included)
[docs] def everything(cls): """ Create a new Interval representing the full real axis """ return cls((-float("inf"),float("inf")),(True,True))
[docs] def from_value(cls,value): """ Create a new Interval representing a single real number. :param float value: The member of the Interval """ return cls((value,value),(True,True))
[docs] def open(cls,a,b): """ Create a new open Interval. :param float a: Left bound :param float b: Right bound """ return cls((a,b),(False,False))
[docs] def closed(cls,a,b): """ Create a new closed Interval. :param float a: Left bound :param float b: Right bound """ return cls((a,b),(True,True))
[docs] def leftopen(cls,a,b): """ Create a new halfopen Interval (left bound is excluded, right bound included). :param float a: Left bound :param float b: Right bound """ return cls((a,b),(False,True))
[docs] def rightopen(cls,a,b): """ Create a new halfopen Interval (right bound is excluded, left bound included). :param float a: Left bound :param float b: Right bound """ return cls((a,b),(True,False))
[docs] def is_disjoint(self,other): """ Check whether two Intervals are disjoint. :param Interval other: The Interval to check disjointedness with. """ if self.is_empty() or other.is_empty(): return True if self.bounds[0] < other.bounds[0]: i1,i2 = self,other elif self.bounds[0] > other.bounds[0]: i2,i1 = self,other else: #coincident lower bounds if self.is_discrete() and not other.included[0]: return True elif other.is_discrete() and not self.included[0]: return True else: return False return not i2.bounds[0] in i1
def _difference(self,other): #the set of intervals is not closed w.r.t the difference, as it might #yield zeor,one or two intervals as a result. Therefore this method #is only used as a utility function for IntervalSet. if self.is_empty(): return [] if other.is_empty() or self.is_disjoint(other): return [self] b1 = (self.bounds[0],other.bounds[0]) i1 = (self.included[0],not other.included[0]) int1 = Interval(b1,i1) b2 = (other.bounds[1],self.bounds[1]) i2 = (not other.included[1],self.included[1]) int2 = Interval(b2,i2) if other.bounds[0] in self and other.bounds[1] in self: #------- # *** return [int1,int2] elif other.bounds[0] in self: bounds = (self.bounds[0],other.bounds[0]) include = (self.included[0],not other.included[0]) #------- # ********* return [int1] elif other.bounds[1] in self: # ------- #******* return [int2] else: raise RuntimeError("This should not happen") def _union(self,other): #the set of intervals is not closed w.r.t the union, as it might #yield one or two intervals as a result. Therefore this method #is only used as a utility function for IntervalSet. if self.is_empty() and other.is_empty(): return [] elif self.is_empty(): return [other] elif other.is_empty(): return [self] if self.bounds[0] < other.bounds[0]: i1,i2 = self,other elif self.bounds[0] > other.bounds[0]: i2,i1 = self,other else: if self.included[0]: i1,i2 = self,other else: i2,i1 = self,other if i1.is_disjoint(i2): return [i1,i2] elif i2.bounds[0] in i1 and i2.bounds[1] in i1: #------- # *** return [i1] elif i2.bounds[0] in i1: bounds = (i1.bounds[0],i2.bounds[1]) include = (i1.included[0],i2.included[1]) #------- # ********* return [Interval(bounds,include)] else: raise RuntimeError("This should not happen")
[docs] def intersection(self,other): """ Return a new Interval with the intersection of the two intervals, i.e. all elements that are in both self and other. :param Interval other: Interval to intersect with :rtype: Interval """ if self.bounds[0] < other.bounds[0]: i1,i2 = self,other else: i2,i1 = self,other if self.is_disjoint(other): return Interval((1,0),(True,True)) bounds = [None,None] included = [None,None] #sets are not disjoint, so i2.bounds[0] in i1: bounds[0] = i2.bounds[0] included[0] = i2.included[0] if i2.bounds[1] in i1: bounds[1] = i2.bounds[1] included[1] = i2.included[1] else: bounds[1] = i1.bounds[1] included[1] = i1.included[1] return Interval(bounds,included)
[docs] def is_empty(self): """ Check whether this interval is empty. :rtype: bool """ if self.bounds[1] < self.bounds[0]: return True if self.bounds[1] == self.bounds[0]: return not (self.included[0] and self.included[1])
[docs] def is_discrete(self): """ Check whether this interval contains exactly one number :rtype: bool """ return self.bounds[1] == self.bounds[0] and\ self.included == (True,True)
[docs] def get_point(self): """ Return the number contained in this interval. :rtype: float :raises ValueError: if Interval contains more than exactly one number. """ if not self.is_discrete(): raise ValueError("Interval doesn't contain exactly one value") return self.bounds[0]
[docs] def __contains__(self,x): """ Check membership of the element. :param float x: Element to check membership of :rtype: bool """ if self.is_empty(): return False if self.included[0]: if not (x >= self.bounds[0]): return False else: if not (x > self.bounds[0]): return False if self.included[1]: if not (x <= self.bounds[1]): return False else: if not (x < self.bounds[1]): return False return True
def __repr__(self): if self.is_empty(): return "Interval((1,0),(False,False))" return "Interval(%s,%s)" % (self.bounds,self.included) def __str__(self): if self.is_empty(): return "<empty set>" else: left = ["(","["] right = [")","]"] bnd = "%s,%s" % self.bounds brk = (left[self.included[0]],right[self.included[1]]) return "%s%s%s" % (brk[0],bnd,brk[1])
[docs]class IntervalSet(object): """ A set of intervals to represent quite general sets in R """
[docs] def __init__(self,ints): """ Create a new IntervalSet. :param sequence ints: Intervals for this IntervalSet """ self.ints = [] for i in sorted(ints,key=lambda x: x.bounds[0]): if i.is_empty(): continue if len(self.ints) > 0 and not i.is_disjoint(self.ints[-1]): i2 = self.ints.pop(-1) self.ints.extend(i2._union(i)) else: self.ints.append(i) for i1,i2 in pairwise(self.ints): if not i1.is_disjoint(i2): raise ValueError('Intervals are not disjoint')
[docs] def everything(cls): """ Create a new IntervalSet representing the full real axis. """ return cls([Interval.everything()])
[docs] def from_values(cls,values): """ Create a new IntervalSet representing a set of isolated real numbers. :param sequence values: The values for this IntervalSet """ return cls([Interval.from_value(v) for v in values])
[docs] def is_empty(self): """ Check whether this IntervalSet is empty. :rtype: bool """ return len(self.ints) == 0
[docs] def is_discrete(self): """ Check whether this IntervalSet contains only isolated numbers. :rtype: bool """ for i in self.ints: if not i.is_discrete(): return False return True
[docs] def iter_members(self): """ Iterate over all elements of the set. :raises ValueError: if self is a set of everything """ if not self.is_discrete(): raise ValueError("non-discrete IntervalSet can not be iterated") for i in self.ints: yield i.get_point()
[docs] def intersection(self,other): """ Return a new IntervalSet with the intersection of the two sets, i.e. all elements that are both in self and other. :param IntervalSet other: Set to intersect with :rtype: IntervalSet """ res = [] for i1 in self.ints: for i2 in other.ints: res.append(i1.intersection(i2)) return IntervalSet(res)
[docs] def union(self,other): """ Return a new IntervalSet with the union of the two sets, i.e. all elements that are in self or other. :param IntervalSet other: Set to intersect with :rtype: IntervalSet """ return IntervalSet(self.ints + other.ints)
[docs] def difference(self,other): """ Return a new IntervalSet with the difference of the two sets, i.e. all elements that are in self but not in other. :param IntervalSet other: Set to subtract :rtype: IntervalSet """ res = IntervalSet.everything() for j in other.ints: tmp = [] for i in self.ints: tmp.extend(i._difference(j)) res = res.intersection(IntervalSet(tmp)) return res
[docs] def __contains__(self,x): """ Check membership of the element. :param element: Element to check membership of :rtype: bool """ for interval in self.ints: if x in interval: return True return False
def __str__(self): if self.is_empty(): return "<empty interval set>" else: return " u ".join(str(i) for i in self.ints) def __repr__(self): return "IntervalSet([%s])" % ",".join(i.__repr__() for i in self.ints)
[docs]class DiscreteSet(object): """ A set data structure for hashable elements This is a wrapper around pythons set type, which additionally provides the possibility to express the set of everything (which only makes sense sometimes). """
[docs] def __init__(self,elements): """ Create a new DiscreteSet :param sequence elements: The elements of the newly created set """ self.everything = False self.elements = frozenset(elements)
[docs] def everything(cls): """ Create a new set of everything. One can not iterate over the elements of this set, but many operations are actually well defined and useful. """ res = cls([]) res.everything = True return res
[docs] def is_empty(self): """ Check whether the set is empty :rtype: bool """ if self.everything: return False return len(self.elements) == 0
[docs] def is_discrete(self): """ Check whether the set is discrete, i.e. if :meth:`iter_members` can be used. :rtype: bool """ return not self.everything
[docs] def intersection(self,other): """ Return a new DiscreteSet with the intersection of the two sets, i.e. all elements that are in both self and other. :param DiscreteSet other: Set to intersect with :rtype: DiscreteSet """ if self.everything: if other.everything: return DiscreteSet() else: return DiscreteSet(other.elements) else: if other.everything: return DiscreteSet(self.elements) else: return DiscreteSet(self.elements.intersection(other.elements))
[docs] def difference(self,other): """ Return a new DiscreteSet with the difference of the two sets, i.e. all elements that are in self but not in other. :param DiscreteSet other: Set to subtract :rtype: DiscreteSet :raises ValueError: if self is a set of everything """ if self.everything: raise ValueError("Can not remove from everything") elif other.everything: return DiscreteSet([]) else: return DiscreteSet(self.elements.difference(other.elements))
[docs] def union(self,other): """ Return a new DiscreteSet with the union of the two sets, i.e. all elements that are in self or in other. :param DiscreteSet other: Set to unite with :rtype: DiscreteSet """ if self.everything: return self elif other.everything: return other else: return DiscreteSet(self.elements.union(other.elements))
[docs] def iter_members(self): """ Iterate over all elements of the set. :raises ValueError: if self is a set of everything """ if self.everything: raise ValueError("Can not iterate everything") for coord in sorted(self.elements): yield coord
[docs] def __contains__(self,element): """ Check membership of the element. :param element: Element to check membership of :rtype: bool """ if self.everything: return True return element in self.elements
def __str__(self): if self.is_empty(): return "<empty discrete set>" else: return "{%s}" % ",".join(str(e) for e in sorted(self.elements)) def __repr__(self): if self.everything: return "DiscreteSet.everything()" return "DiscreteSet([%s])" % ",".join(i.__repr__() for i in sorted(self.elements)) #These are not used or documented at the moment, but might be useful in the #future
class Patch(object): def __init__(self,sets): """ A patch of multidimensional parameter space sets is a dict of names to DiscreteSet or IntervalSets of feasible values and represents the cartesion product of these """ self.sets = sets self.discrete = True self.empty = False for s in sets.values(): if isinstance(s,IntervalSet) and not s.is_discrete(): self.discrete = False if s.is_empty(): self.empty = True def is_empty(self): return self.empty def is_discrete(self): return self.discrete def intersection(self,other): "intersection with another patch" res = {} if set(self.sets.keys()) != set(other.sets.keys()): raise KeyError('Incompatible patches in intersection') for name,s1 in self.sets.items(): s2 = other.sets[name] res[name] = s1.intersection(s2) return Patch(res) def iter_points(self): "returns a list of tuples of names and values" if not self.is_discrete(): raise ValueError("Patch is not discrete") names = sorted(self.sets.keys()) icoords = [self.sets[name].iter_members() for name in names] for coordinates in product(*icoords): yield tuple(zip(names,coordinates)) def __contains__(self,point): for name, coord in point.items(): if not coord in self.sets[name]: return False return True def __str__(self): if self.is_empty(): return "<empty patch>" else: sets = ["%s:%s" % (n,str(i)) for n,i in self.sets.items()] return " x ".join(sets) class PatchSet(object): """ A list of patches that represents quite general subsets of a multidimensional parameter space """ def __init__(self,patches): self.discrete = True self.patches = [] self.coords = None for patch in patches: if patch.is_empty(): continue if not patch.is_discrete(): self.discrete = False self.patches.append(patch) def is_empty(self): return len(self.patches) == 0 def is_discrete(self): return self.discrete def intersection(self,other): res = [] for p1 in self.patches: for p2 in other.patches: res.append(p1.intersection(p2)) return PatchSet(res) def iter_points(self): if not self.discrete: raise ValueError('cannot iter points in non-discrete domain') if self.coords is None: self.coords = set([]) for patch in self.patches: for point in patch.iter_points(): self.coords.add(point) for coord in self.coords: yield coord def __contains__(self,point): for patch in self.patches: if point in patch: return True return False def __str__(self): if self.is_empty(): return "<empty interval set>" else: return "{ %s }" % " u ".join(str(i) for i in self.ints)